Repair Midmesh Elements or Fill Face

Use the Midmesh: Repair/Fill tool to repair midmesh by attempting to fix topological problems (holes/gaps/cracks, intersections, slivers, overlaps) in the mesh and remesh the face, or create a mesh within a closed topology loop, attempting to keep tangency.

Note: 1D topology and free edges are considered for loop completion.
  1. From the Mesh ribbon, click the Midmesh > Repair/Fill tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define repair/fill options.
  3. Select elements on midmesh faces or edges to repair.
    • Select 2D face elements to repair a face.
    • Select 1D edge elements to fill a missing face.
  4. Optional: Find intersecting element clusters and holes/gaps/cracks, and create element sets for further handling.
    1. Click Find.

      Figure 2.
    2. Review the found element(s) by clicking /. Intersecting elements are auto selected to the elements selector for repair.
    3. To increase or decrease the number of layers around the found elements, click / respectively.
  5. Repair midmesh in the following ways:
    • On the guide bar, click .
    • On the microdialog, click Repair Face.
    • Note: Intersection element clusters sets cleared will be removed.

Figure 3.

Midmesh: Repair/Fill Tool

An overview of the Midmesh: Repair/Fill tool.

Figure 4.
Use the Midmesh: Repair/Fill tool to repair midmesh elements or fill face.
Go to Mesh > Midmesh > Repair/Fill.


Delete 1D after fill face
Delete 1D elements after fill face operation is executed.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Controls

To do this Press
Select elements by face or edge chain Alt + Left Mouse Click