- CreateWnd
- This method will create a window with the Apply, Next, Prev, Cancel
- This window will be embedded in the panel region of HyperWorks
(or the float, if it cannot be embedded).
- Takes the name of the window and text to appear on the Apply
button as arguments.
- WndExists
- Will be implemented in the future.
- Will not be recreating the window if it has already been
- This function will return 0 if the window has never been
- This function will return 1 and display the window if the window
has already been created.
- Currently, this function always returns 0.
- RestoreOriginalState
- This method will restore the (completion) state of the task to what it
was prior to you visiting/revisiting the task.
- Will be called by the module if you leave the task without
executing it or changing any of its data.
- variable id
- This variable is set as the name of the task.
- Will be useful in prefixing/namespacing data that will be stored
in the DataModel.
- This will be a key argument for all of the Tcl APIs provided by
the Process Manager framework.
- Variable mainWnd
- The CreateWnd method sets this variable.
- It is the window handle.
- The module will add more UI components to this window based on
the requirements of the module.
# Create the UI components in the window
proc ::hw::pmgr::${::hw::pmgr::namespace}::DisplayWnd {}
variable mainWnd;
variable id;
if {[WndExists] == 0}
CreateWnd "HWPM -- Load Template" "Apply"
# Add other components to the UI
set lblTpl [label $mainWnd.lblwip -text "Madymo template:" \
-font [hwt::AppFont] -anchor w];
set txtfldMadFileName [entry $mainWnd.madymofile \
-font [hwt::AppFont] -width 60]
set btnMadFBrowser [button $mainWnd.fb -text " Browse... " \
-command "::hw::pmgr::${::hw::pmgr::namespace}::OnBrowseMadymoFile" \
-font [hwt::AppFont]];
pack $ lblTpl $txtfldMadFileName $btnMadFBrowser \
-side left -padx 5 -pady 5
#Get the data from the DataModel and update the UI
return 0;