HVVH-8000: Manufacturing Solution Tab - HyperForm

In this tutorial, you will setup a model in HyperForm and identify problems during the interactive operation.

Figure 1.

FE Model Setup

  1. From the Manufacturing Solution tab, select the HyperForm > FE Model > Model Setup tab.
  2. See the topic FE Model Tab > Model Setup for more information on model setup.

Basic Import and Export

Identify any loss of data during import and export HyperForm operations.

  1. From the Manufacturing solution tab, select the > HyperForm > FE Model > Basic IO tab.

    Figure 2.
  2. From the Solver type list, select Incremental_Radioss.
  3. From the HW Version list, select 2017.
  4. Under the Input decks section, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to open the DAD_radios_0000 file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Manufacturing-solution\HF\Tut_01_AutoProcess_DAD\.
  5. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  6. Click Import/Export.

    Step 1 displays the import and export details and status (pass or fail) of the reference model file (selected above).

    The last column displays information on the ASCII differences between the imported file and the HyperMesh exported file. Pass (no differences) or Fail is displayed.

    The original model and the HyperForm exported models are run with the Radioss solver. The OUT file blocks are compared as shown in the status.

    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.

    Figure 3.
  7. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report.

    Figure 4.

Compare HyperForm Versions

Compare analysis decks exported in different versions of HyperForm.

  1. From the Manufacturing solution tab, select the > HyperForm > FE Model > Compare HF Versions tab.

    Figure 5.
  2. From the File Type list, select Incremental_Radioss.
  3. From the Current Version list, select 2020.
  4. From the Reference Version list, select 14.130.
  5. Under the Input File section, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to open the DAD_radioss_0000.rad file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Manufacturing-solution\HF\Tut_01_AutoProcess_DAD\.
  6. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  7. Click Import/Export.

    The first table displays the import and export details and status (pass or fail) of the model file (selected above) in the current version.

    The second table details the import and export time and status (pass or fail) of the model file (selected above) in the reference version.

    The last column displays information on the ASCII differences between the exported files in the current and reference versions of HyperMesh. Pass (no differences) or fail is displayed.

    In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.

  8. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report.

    Figure 6.

Solver Check Run for HyperXtrude

Perform a check run on a solver deck (Incremental_Radioss or Radioss_one_step) and compare OUT files of a solver-written result file after the check run.
Three options are available for the solver check run:
  • Two OUT files generated from the solver run can be compared.
  • The current solver run OUT file can be compared with the reference OUT file.
  • Two OUT files generated from the same solver deck using two different solver versions can be compared.

  1. From the Manufacturing Solutions tab, select the > HyperForm > Solutions > Check run tab.
  2. See Perform a Solver Check Run for more information on options in the Check run tab.

Compare Results from Different Solver Versions

Perform solver version result comparison for HyperForm solver results for any given model.

If the result files are not available, the solver run can be performed in the background and the results generated are used in the result comparison. Results from Radioss_onestep or Radioss_incremental can be compared.

  1. From the Manufacturing solution tab, select the > HyperXtrude/HyperModel > Solutions > Solver version results comparison tab.
  2. See Compare Solver Version Results for more information on options in the Solver version results comparison tab.

Compare HyperForm Solver Results Across HyperView Versions

Compare solver results from two HyperView versions (for Radioss and H3D).

  1. From the Manufacturing solution tab, select the > HyperForm > Results > Solver result comparison HV versions tab.
  2. See Compare HV Solver Version Results for more information on options in the Solver results comparison HV versions tab.

Compare HyperForm Solver Results Across HyperGraph Versions

Compare solver results from two HyperGraph versions.

  1. From the Manufacturing solution tab, select the > HyperForm > Results > Solver result comparison HG versions tab.
  2. See Compare HG Version Results for more information on options in the Solver results comparison HG versions tab.