Block Format Keyword Defines a rigid body whose independent degrees of freedom are specified at a single master node and whose dependent degrees of freedom are specified at an arbitrary number of slave nodes.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
/RBE2/rbe2_ID | |||||||||
rbe2_title | |||||||||
node_ID | Trarotref | Skew_ID | grnd_ID | Iflag |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
rbe2_ID | Rigid element
identifier (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
rbe2_title | Rigid element
title (Character, maximum 100 characters) |
node_ID | Master node
identifier (Integer) |
Trarotref | Code of DOF used for the
dependent components.
(6 Booleans) Default (blank or 6 zeros) set on all DOF |
Skew_ID | Local skew identifier of
element. (Integer) |
grnd_ID | Slave nodes group
identifier. (Integer) |
Iflag | Dependent relation
formulation flag. 1
(Integer) |
Codes for Translation and Rotation: Trarot
(1)-1 | (1)-2 | (1)-3 | (1)-4 | (1)-5 | (1)-6 | (1)-7 | (1)-8 | (1)-9 | (1)-10 |
TX | TY | TZ |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
TX | Code for translation
(Boolean) |
TY | Code for translation
(Boolean) |
TZ | Code for translation
(Boolean) |
Code for rotation
(Boolean) |
Code for rotation
(Boolean) |
Code for rotation
(Boolean) |
- Two formulations of
dependent motion are available in Iflag:If Iflag=0
(1) (2) If Iflag=1(3) (4) (5) With , , =0,1
The default formulation Iflag =0 corresponds to OptiStruct's RBE2, in which the motion of a group of slave nodes depends on the motion of one master node which always has 6 DOF. The input Trarotref is applied on the slave nodes and the element behaves like a rigid body.
The second formulation is similar to /RLINK; but takes into account the equilibrium between translations and rotations. The input Trarotref is applied on master node, this formulation is used prior to version 10.0.5.
- A master node can be attached to a finite element. The master node can also be defined in a different RBE2 as master node and/or slave node, but the slave node cannot have the incompatible kinematic conditions.
- It is not recommended for slave or master nodes of an /RBE2 to also be slave or master nodes in another constraint equation (kinematic conditions). However, this is permitted if the hierarchy rule has been respected: RBE2 should have a higher level than Interface TYPE2 (master nodes of Interface TYPE2 can be slave node of RBE2); but a lower level than RBE3 and RBODY. The hierarchy between different RBE2s is allowed, re-ordering will be done automatically to determine the hierarchy by Radioss Starter, if hierarchy levels between RBE2 are too high, error will be printed out.
- Hierarchy rule involving
/RBE3 and /RBODY
- More output messages could be obtained using Ipri of /IOFLAG: Ipri > 3 will printout new mass and inertia of the master nodes; Ipri > 5 will printout the new RBE2 identifier and hierarchy level after re-ordering.
- The RBE2 uses a scalar inertia calculation similar to using /RBODY with Ispher=1.