New Keywords in 2020
New and modified features in Radioss.
- /ALE/SOLVER/FINT - Defines the numerical method for internal force integration
- /EOS/NASG - Noble-Abel-Stiffened-Gas equation of state
- /FAIL/COCKCROFT - Failure model based on Cockroft-Latham formulation
- /FAIL/VISUAL - Failure model to track maximum stress or strain in an element
- /FRIC_ORIENT - Defines the orthotropic friction direction in a part with an isotropic material
- /FUNCT_SMOOTH - Smooth amplitude curves
- /MAT/PLAS_PREDEF - Material with predefined value for the yield stress, ultimate stress, and corresponding strain. Only the material name needs to be entered.
- /MAT/LAW103 (HENSEL-SPITTEL) - Material law based on Hansel-Spittel formulation
- /MAT/LAW106 (JCOOK_ALM) - Johnson-Cook material with temperature dependent Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio
- /MERGE/RBODY - Merge rigid bodies or add slave nodes to an existing rigid body
- /ALE/MUSCL - Added new flag IFLAG
- /FAIL/HASHIN - Added new options I_frwave=2, and Imod
- /FRICTION - New orthotropic friction model in the contact interfaces TYPE7, 19, 24 and 25
- /INTER/SUB - Added support for contact interface /INTER/TYPE25
- /INTER/TYPE11 - Added new option Irem_gap=2 to automatically manage self-impact in the edge to edge treatment
- /INTER/TYPE18 - The ALE side can now be defined using a group of bricks (/GRBRIC) to allow compatibility with all ALE multi-fluid materials (/MAT/LAW151)
- /INTER/TYPE19 - New parameters available: Irem_gap, %mesh_size and Irem_i2
- /INTER/TYPE21 - New variable available Pskid.
- /MAT/LAW12 (3D_COMP) and /MAT/LAW14 (COMPSO) - New option available
- /PROP/TYPE6 (SOL_ORTH) - New flags available Itetra4 and Itetra10
- /RBODY - Ispher=2, Automatic correction of unphysical inertia in a rigid body. The previous method is available as Ispher=3.
- /SENSOR/ENERGY - New sensor where the activation is controlled by the internal or kinetic energy of a user-defined part or subset.
- /TH/BRIC and /TH/QUAD - Added new option QVIS
/TH/QUAD - Strain output for 2D solid elements (/QUAD) in the time history file for both isotropic and orthotropy element properties.
- /ALE and /EULER - Local unit systems
can now be set on:
- /ALE/SOLVER/FINT - ALE solver formulation
- /ADYREL - New options added Tstart and Tstop
- /H3D/SOLID/VECT and /H3D/QUAD/VECT - New H3D output to display the contact force in the finite volume cell. This is used with contact interface /INTER/TYPE18 and ALE material /MAT/LAW151.
- /H3D/NODA/SSP - New visualization to display the speed of sound on the outer and inner surface of finite volume airbag (/MONVOL/FMVBAG1).
- /H3D/SOLID/COLOR and /H3D/QUAD/COLOR - New color function output for Multi Material ALE laws. The phase or sub-material is displayed with a color corresponding to the phase sub-material number.
- /CHECK/RFILE/OFF - Starter option to check
quickly the model with the Radioss Starter. The
restart file will be not written. This option is also available as a Starter
executable command line option
=norst. - /MAT/LAW108 (SPR_GENE) - Material for spring element with the same behavior as spring property /PROP/TYPE8
- /MAT/LAW113 (SPR_BEAM) - Material for spring element with the same behavior as spring property /PROP/TYPE13
- /PROP/TYPE23 (SPR_MAT) - The property for spring stiffness defined in materials /MAT/LAW108 (SPR_GENE) or /MAT/LAW113 (SPR_BEAM)
- /FAIL/ENERGY - Abscissa scale factor for energy sale factor function versus strain rate
- /FRAME/FIX, /HEAT/MAT, /SKEW/FIX - Compatible with local /UNIT systems
- /INTER/TYPE19 - New flag Ithe to active the thermal behavior in the contact interface
- /MAT/LAW24 (CONC) - New parameters for concrete material law with Icap =2: Reference plastic strain for plastic hardening (Eps0), Reduction factor for plastic hardening default (hfac)
- /MAT/LAW63 (HANSEL) - New parameters latent heat of martensite (Hl) and Taylor-Quinney coefficient ( ) for element temperature computation due to the phase change
- /MAT/LAW77 - New initial pressure FP0 option. Fcut default value is changed from 1E+30 to 1E+20
- /MAT/LAW81 - Two new scale factors c0 and Pb0 for the unit conversion
- /MAT/LAW92 - New scale factor for the function of Arruda-Boyce
- /MAT/LAW95 (BERGSTROM_BOYCE) - New reference stress value Tau_ref for the Bergstrom-Boyce viscous model
- /MAT/LAW100 (MNF) - New reference stress value Tau_ref for the Bergstrom-Boyce viscous model. New scale factor for the function of Arruda-Boyce model
- /MONVOL/GAS - New option I_equi to take into account the volume change during the relaxation/loading phase defined by Trelax
- /RFILE/OFF - New option to disable the restart
file creation even at the end of the computation. This option is also
available as an Engine executable command line option
- /RFILE/n - The default value was increased from 5000 cycles to 1000000.