Elastic, Damper, and Mass Elements
For such continuum elements, the displacement field over a volume of material which is represented by an element is approximated by corresponding shape functions based on the nodal coordinates. For example, in linear axial elements, the displacement vector is expressed as a linear polynomial whose constants are obtained from the nodal displacements.
OptiStruct supports several elements, ranging from 0D, 1D, 2D, to 3D elements. Depending upon the type of analysis, modeling, the level of detail, and the computational time available, any of the available elements, or a combination of them can be selected to achieve the required results.
Zero-dimensional Elements
- CELAS1, CELAS2, CELAS3, and CELAS4 that are used to model elastic springs. The properties for CELAS1 and CELAS3 are defined on PELAS. CELAS2 and CELAS4 define spring properties.
- CDAMP1, CDAMP2, CDAMP3, and CDAMP4 that are used to model scalar dampers. The properties for CDAMP1 and CDAMP3 are defined on PDAMP. CDAMP2 and CDAMP4 define scalar damper properties.
- CMASS1, CMASS2, CMASS3, and CMASS4 that are used to model point masses. The properties for CMASS1 and CMASS3 are defined on PMASS. CMASS2 and CMASS4 define the mass.
- CONM1 and CONM2, which are concentrated mass elements. CONM1 defines a 6x6 mass matrix at a grid point. CONM2 defines mass and inertia properties at a grid point.
- CVISC is used to model viscous dampers. The properties for CVISC are defined on PVISC.
One-dimensional Elements
- Forces and displacements along the axis of the element
- Transverse shear forces (and displacements) in the two lateral directions
- Bending moments (and rotations) in two perpendicular, bending planes
- Torsional moments (and resulting rotations)
- Twisting of the cross-section (or cross-sectional warping)
- A general beam element that supports all types of action listed above.
- A simple, prismatic beam element that supports all of the above types of actions except cross-sectional warping.
- A general spring-damper element that supports forces, moments, and displacements along the axis of the element.
- A rod-type spring-damper element.
- A gap element that supports axial and friction forces.
- A gap element that supports axial and friction forces. It does not have to be placed between grid points. It can also connect surface patches.
- A simple, axial bar element that supports only axial forces and torsional moments.
- A simple, axial bar element that supports forces, moments, and torsional moments. It does not have to be placed between grid points. It can also connect surface patches.
- A simple, axial bar element that supports only axial forces and torsional moments. This element does not reference a property definition; the property information is provided with the element definition.
Two-dimensional Shell Elements
Two-dimensional shell elements are used to model thin-shell or thick-shell behavior. Thin-shell behavior can be applied to situations where transverse shear deformation in bending can be ignored, whereas, thick-shell behavior is required in applications where transverse shear appreciably affects model behavior. OptiStruct shell elements have the ability to incorporate in-plane or membrane actions, plane strain, and bending action (including transverse shear characteristics and membrane-bending coupling actions). Reissner-Mindlin shell theory is used to model bending. A plane-strain option is available for pure 2D applications. These properties can be controlled using the PSHELL Bulk Data Entry. For example, the MID# fields on the PSHELL, can be used to define material properties to include bending, transverse shear, membrane-bending coupling, and so on.
The element shapes may be triangular (CTRIA3) or quadrilateral (CQUAD4). Second order triangular (CTRIA6) and quadrilateral (CQUAD8) shell elements are also available.
The first order shell element formulation for CQUAD4 and CTRIA3 has the special characteristic of using six degrees of freedom per grid. Hence, there is stiffness associated to each degree of freedom. In some finite element codes, shell elements do not have a drilling stiffness normal to the mid-plane, which may cause singular stiffness matrix. Then, a user-defined artificial stiffness value is assigned to this degree of freedom to avoid the singularity.
The second order shell elements (CTRIA6 and CQUAD8) have five degrees of freedom per grid. Rotational degrees of freedom without stiffness are removed through SPC.
- Element Formulation
(Implicit Analysis)
Element formulations indicate the theory used to construct the element, which includes the approximations and improvements applied for an accurate simulation.
The table here is applicable to MAT1, MATS1, and corresponding MAT# entries.Table 1. Summary of Integration Schemes (Implicit Analysis) Linear Analysis Nonlinear Analysis (Contact Nonlinearity only)
Nonlinear Analysis (Geometric Nonlinearity/Plasticity)
Elements In-Plane Through-Thickness Bubble Functions In-Plane Through-Thickness Bubble Functions In-Plane Through-Thickness Bubble Functions CTRIA3 3 point IS 6 point IS 3 Yes 2 3 point IS 6 point IS Yes 2 3 point IS 6 point IS 1 Yes 2 CQUAD4 5 point IS 6 point IS Yes 2 5 point IS 6 point IS Yes 2 5 point IS 6 point IS 1 Yes 2 CTRIA6 3 point IS Analytical Integration No 3 point IS Analytical Integration No NA NA NA CQUAD8 4 point IS Analytical Integration No 4 point IS Analytical Integration No NA NA NA - Two-dimensional Shell Element Formulation (Explicit Nonlinear
Analysis)Element formulations indicate the theory used to construct the element, which includes the approximations and improvements applied for an accurate simulation. For explicit analysis, the integration scheme can be changed using ISOPE field on PSOLID, PLSOLID, or PSHELL entries, or via PARAM,EXPISOP. The settings on the ISOPE field will overwrite the settings on PARAM,EXPISOP.
Table 2. Summary of Integration Schemes (Explicit Nonlinear Analysis) Belytschko-Tsay (ISOPE=1)
Belytschko-Wong-Chiang with drill projection (ISOPE=2)
Belytschko-Wong-Chiang with full projection (ISOPE=3)
C0 Triangular Shell (ISOPE=4)
Elements In-Plane Through-Thickness In-Plane Through-Thickness In-Plane Through-Thickness In-Plane Through-Thickness CTRIA3 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 point IS 3 point IS 1 CQUAD4 1 point IS 3 3 point IS 1 1 point IS 3 point IS 1 1 point IS 3 point IS 1 NA NA - Two-dimensional Axisymmetric Solid Elements (Implicit
Analysis)Two-dimensional Axisymmetric solid elements CTAXI, CTRIAX6, and CQAXI are available. CTAXI and CTRIAX6 are triangular, and CQAXI is a quadrilateral axisymmetric element. The materials for these elements can be defined by MAT1, MAT3, MATS1, and MATHE entries. The properties for these elements are defined by PAXI entry.
Table 3. Summary of Integration (Implicit Analysis) Linear Analysis Nonlinear Analysis (MAT# or MAT# with MATS1)
Nonlinear Analysis (MATHE)
Elements Regular Elements 4 Regular Elements 4 Regular Elements 4 CQAXI (1st order) 4 point IS 3 4 point IS 3 point IS CTAXI (1st order) 3 point IS 3 point IS 5 point IS CTRIAX6 (1st order) 3 point IS 3 point IS 5 point IS CQAXI (2nd order) 9 point IS 9 point IS NA CTAXI (2nd order) 7 point IS 7 point IS NA CTRIAX6 (2nd order) 7 point IS 7 point IS NA - Two-dimensional Plane-Strain Elements (Implicit Analysis)Two-dimensional plane-strain elements CQPSTN and CTPSTN are available. CTPSTN is triangular, and CQPSTN is a quadrilateral plane-strain element. The materials for these elements can be defined by MAT1, MAT3, and MATHE entries. The properties for these elements are defined by PPLANE entry.
Table 4. Summary of Integration (Implicit Analysis) Linear Analysis Nonlinear Analysis (MAT#)
Nonlinear Analysis (MATHE)
Elements Regular Elements 6 Regular Elements 6 Regular Elements 6 CQPSTN (1st order) 4 point IS 4 point IS 3 point IS CTPSTN (1st order) 3 point IS 3 point IS 5 point IS CQPSTN (2nd order) 9 point IS 9 point IS NA CTPSTN (2nd order) 7 point IS 7 point IS NA
Three-dimensional Solid Elements
- Three-dimensional Solid Element Formulation (Implicit Analysis)Element formulations indicate the theory used to construct the element, which includes the approximations and improvements applied for an accurate simulation. The number of integration points mentioned here are the generic defaults. Depending on the solution and model parameters, a different number of integration points may be used. For example, Hyperelastic elements or integration points on surfaces of solids.
Table 5. Summary of Integration Schemes (Implicit Analysis) Linear Analysis Nonlinear Analysis MAT# or MAT# with MATS1, MATVE, MATVP MATHE Elements Regular Elements Contact-Friendly Elements Regular Elements (ISOP=FULL) Contact-Friendly Elements (ISOP=FULL) Regular Elements (ISOP=MODPLAST) Regular Elements (ISOP=REDPLAST) Regular Elements (ISOP=INT0) Regular Elements CTETRA (1st order) 1 point IS 3 NA 1 point IS NA 1 point IS 1 point IS 1 point IS 4 point IS CHEXA (1st order) 8 point IS NA 8 point IS NA 8 point IS 8 point IS 9 point IS 8 point IS CTETRA (2nd order) 4 point IS 5 point IS 5 point IS 5 point IS 5 point IS 4 point IS 9 point IS 4 point IS CHEXA (2nd order) 27 point IS 27 point IS 27 point IS 27 point IS 14 point IS 9 point IS 27 point IS 8 point IS CPENTA (1st order) 6 point IS NA 6 point IS NA 6 point IS 6 point IS 12 point IS 6 point IS CPENTA (2nd order) 21 point IS 21 point IS 21 point IS 21 point IS 21 point IS 12 point IS 28 point IS 6 point IS CPYRA (1st order) 8 point IS NA 8 point IS NA 8 point IS 8 point IS 9 point IS NA CPYRA (2st order) 27 point IS 27 point IS 27 point IS 14 point IS 27 point IS 9 point IS 27 point IS NA Table 6. Summary of Integration Schemes for Gasket Elements (Implicit Analysis) Linear Analysis Nonlinear Analysis Elements 5 Regular Elements Contact Friendly Elements Regular Elements Contact Friendly Elements CGASK8 4 point IS 3 NA 4 point IS NA CGASK6 3 point IS NA 3 point IS NA CGASK16 9 point IS 25 point IS 9 point IS 25 point IS CGASK12 7 point IS 19 point IS 7 point IS 19 point IS - Three-dimensional Solid Element Formulation (Explicit Nonlinear
Analysis)Element formulations indicate the theory used to construct the element, which includes the approximations and improvements applied for an accurate simulation. Note that the number of integration points mentioned here are the generic defaults. Depending on the solution and model parameters, a different number of integration points may be used. For example, Hyperelastic elements or integration points on surfaces of solids. For explicit analysis, the integration scheme can be changed using the ISOPE field on PSOLID, PLSOLID, or PSHELL entries, or via PARAM,EXPISOP. The settings on the ISOPE field will overwrite the settings on PARAM,EXPISOP.
Table 7. Summary of Integration Schemes (Explicit Nonlinear Analysis) Elements Regular Elements (ISOPE=URI) Regular Elements (ISOPE=AURI) Regular Elements (ISOPE=SRI) Regular Elements
(Full Integration)
CHEXA (1st order) Uniform Reduced Integration 1-point IS 3
Average Reduced Uniform Integration B matrix is volume-averaged over the element
Selective Reduced Integration Full IS for deviatoric term and 1-point IS for bulk term
NA CTETRA (2nd order) NA NA NA 5 point IS CPENTA (1st order) NA NA Selective Reduced Integration Full IS for deviatoric term and 1-point IS for bulk term
NA CTETRA (1st order) NA NA NA 1 point IS
Interface Elements
Interface elements are elements which are specialized for a particular purpose of simulating behavior at the interfaces between structures or on the surface of the structural elements interacting with the environment (for example, CHBDYE - thermal boundary surface elements, CIFPEN/CIFHEX - cohesive elements, and so on).
Elements | Gaussian IS Default: INT=0 (On PCOHE) |
Newton-Cotes IS =1 (On PCOHE) |
CIFPEN (1st order) | 3 point IS 3 | 3 point IS |
CIFHEX (1st order) | 4 point IS | 4 point IS |
CIFPEN (1st order) | 7 point IS | 6 point IS |
CIFHEX (2nd order) | 9 point IS | 8 point IS |
Offset for One-dimensional and Two-dimensional Elements
Some one-dimensional and two-dimensional elements can use offset to “shift” the element stiffness relative to the location determined by the element’s nodes. For example, shell elements can be offset from the plane defined by element nodes by means of ZOFFS. In this case, all other information, such as material matrices or fiber locations for the calculation of stresses, are given relative to the offset reference plane. Similarly, the results, such as shell element forces, are output on the offset reference plane.
Offset is applied to all element matrices (stiffness, mass, and geometric stiffness), and to respective element loads (such as gravity). Hence, in principle, offset can be used in all types of analysis and optimization.
Figure 1.
Furthermore, in a fully nonlinear approach, additional instability points may be present on the limit load path.
- Through-Thickness direction, the default number of integration
points for Explicit analysis is 3 points. This can be controlled using the
NIP field on PSHELL entry. The
value of NIP can vary from 1 to 10.
- To mimic membrane behavior, NIP can be set to 1
- For elastic material, NIP can be set to 2
- For nonlinear material, NIP should be set to a minimum of 3