Legends View

The Legends view, , displays only the legends in the session, grouped within their respective page and plot folders. Click Legend to display the legend's properties in the Entity Editor.

Figure 1.

The following legend properties are visible and editable through the Entity Editor.


Click the check box to display the legend; leave it blank to turn off the legend from the graphics window.
Auto Positioning
Automatically positions the legend withing the modeling window.
Legend Placement
Click to display the drop-down menu and select the legend's placement in the modeling window.


Border Style
Click to display the drop-down menu and select a line style for the legend's border.
Border Color
Click to display the drop-down menu and select a color for the legend's border.
Font Settings
Click on the current font settings to display the Font Selector dialog. From the dialog, you can select the font type, style, and size.
Leader Position
Select from Left or Below for the leader position.