Notes View

The Notes view, , displays only the notes in the session, grouped within their respective page and plot folders. Click on a note to display the note's properties in the Entity Editor.

Figure 1.

When a note is selected, the following fields are displayed in the Properties Table:


The name of the note.
Displays the note in the plot window. Deactivate to hide the note.
The note text or Templex expression in the note.
Format Scalar Values
Select this option to format scalar values in a note using the Fixed or Scientific format. The format type can be selected from the Format drop-down menu.
The image below illustrates notes containing Templex expressions evaluated and displayed in Scientific format.

Figure 2.
Select Scientific or Fixed Format from the drop-down menu.
Both fixed decimal format and scientific notation display numbers to the right of the decimal point. The accuracy of each format can be adjusted by entering a value in the Precision text field.
Attach To
Select where the note will be attached. Options include Window, View, Curve, and Coordinates.
When Curve is selected as the Attach To method, alternate options are displayed under Standard:
  • Attachment Curve - displays the name of the curve that the note is attached to.
  • Attachment Point - the point value or location of the note's attachment point on the curve.
When Coordinates is selected as the Attach To method:
  • Attachment X Coordinate - the x coordinate value for the note's attachment point.
  • Attachment Y Coordinate - the y coordinate value for the note's attachment point.
See Mouse Over Notes for more information on the features in the Options section.


Font Settings
Click in this field to display the Font Selector dialog. From there, you can change the font type, style, and size.
Text can be left aligned, right aligned, or centered in a note box by selecting the corresponding drop-down menu item. Text alignment is updated automatically.
Border Thickness
Determines the line thickness of the note's border. Select one of four line thickness styles from the drop-down menu to change the border.
Curve Color
This option is displayed when a note is attached to a curve.
By default, note text is black. Select a note from the browser and activate Curve Color to make the note text the same color as the curve’s color. When you select Curve Color, the Border Color option disappears and the border around the note becomes yellow. If you change the Line Color of the curve while Curve Color is selected, the note color changes as well.
Border Color
Click the color palette to edit the note's border color.
Auto Position
Auto Position Strategy
See Note Positioning for more information on this feature.