Solver-Specific Export Options

Solver-specific options used to determine how FE models are exported.


Export entities with quotes
Abaqus does not support special characters or staring with numbers in entity names. In order to retain entity names during export, quotes can be added to entity names. By default, entities with quotes are not exported in the solver deck. Select this checkbox to export entities with quotes in the solver deck.
This option is only supported for the following entities: Components, Properties, Materials, Sets, and Groups.
Export NMAP
Exports the solver deck with the *NMAP keyword (default). Clearing this checkbox exports a flat solver deck without the *NMAP keyword.
Parts and Instances
Export the solver input file as parts and instances format input files.
Auto adjust RBE3 0.0 weight factor
When enabled, HyperWorks changes any 0.0 weight factor on RBE3 elements to the specified small value. This adjustment is only done in the exported solver deck. The original model values in the current HyperWorks session will not be modified.
Remove non exported references
When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."
Remove include file reference based on export status
Removes include file reference based on export status.


Combine loads in loadstep
Combine loads in loadstep.


Export Format type
Select the format type the data is exported in.
Repeat Keyword Titles
Repeats keyword titles for each instance of the card.
Auto create properties
Creates properties for components that have TETRA4, PENTA6, and HEX8 elements.
Remove non exported references
When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."
Export HM Assembly as SET_PART_TREE
Automatically export HM Assemblies (without solver card image) to solver assemblies.


Export in extended format

Nastran and OptiStruct

When exporting a model, HyperWorks always tries to use the greatest precision when writing real numbers in small format. The following options allow you to control precision and accuracy in the model.
Remove ā€˜Eā€™ from real values
OptiStruct and Nastran solvers do not require explicitly writing an E to recognize the proper exponent of a real number, and removing the E allows one more digit of precision to be included. For example, -1.12E-7 becomes -1.123-7.
Round numbers close to zero
With this option, any real numbers in the model whose absolute value is less than the specified value will be written out as zero. For example, if Zero tolerance = 1.0E-12, it means all real values from -1.0E-12 to 1.0E-12 will be exported as 0.0.
Organize non-structural mass
Non-structural mass [NSM1, NSML1] must be referenced in case control for it to be applied in the model.
When turned on, this option automatically collects all non-structural mass entities [NSM1, NSML1] into a NSMADD loadcollector. This loadcollector is then automatically referenced in the NSM GLOBAL_CASE_CONTROL control card. As long as this option is active, it will update the NSMADD loadcollector on every export. If you delete all NSM* cards, this option will delete NSMADD and case control reference along with it.
Adjust RBE3 0.0 weight factor
The default behavior in HyperWorks when exporting RBE3 weight factors is to maintain all values defined by you, even if they have a value of 0.0.
When turned on, HyperWorks will change any 0.0 weight factors on RBE3 elements to the specified small value. This adjustment is done in the exported solver deck only, and the original model values in the current HyperWorks session will not be modified.
Compress Nodes/Element Sets
When turned on, all node sets and element sets in the model are exported with the THRU statement.
Export old contact card
Export Nastran contact cards in old format.
Restriction: Available when exporting Nastran (MSC) files.
Export CORD2 and CORD4 in long format
Exports CORD2/CORD4 in long format to retain the coordinate precision.
Restriction: For Nastran, this option only includes CORD2.
Export Node coordinate in
The model is exported in free format (comma separated format).
Convert CORD1 to CORD2
Exports CORD1 coordinate system as CORD2 coordinate system.
Remove non exported references
When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."
Remove include file reference based on export status
Removes include file reference based on export status.


Renumber duplicate MPC's
While rigid and rbe3 elements use the same ID pool in HyperWorks, equations and groups have separate ones. During creation, it is possible to use this situation to create duplicate IDs for MPCs as well.
To resolve this, activate this option to renumber MPCs if duplicate IDs are present. This option will check for the highest rigid/rbe3 ID and renumber equation entities accordingly. Groups are not included in the renumbering functionality as contact IDs would be affected by renumbering.
Export gzip file
Export files in .gz file format (gzip), which is Permas' compressing tool. This format is directly read into their solver.


Merge starter and engine file
Export a model initially made of both Starter and Engine files into a single input deck format.
Auto export engine file
Export engine file automatically.
Export engine file only
Export only the engine file.
Export Optimization file
Export the .radopt optimization file.
Remove non exported references
When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."
Remove include file reference based on export status
Removes include file reference based on export status.