Altair HyperXtrude 2020 Release Notes


Data Reorganization
Solver creates many different result files, which may at times be over fifty files for multi-cycle runs. In this release, these files are written in well organized sub-folders.
Comma Separated Excel Friendly Files
Most of the text output is now converted to a CSV format, which can be directly loaded into Excel for plotting. In addition, the files are formatted such that they can be studied in any text editor.
Metal Extrusion
Temperature on Exit Nodes
Solver will now export temperature on exit nodes for quenching analysis.
Temperature on Load Surfaces
Solver will now export temperature on load surfaces for a HyperXtrude-OptiStruct coupled analysis. This enables a two step structural analysis (heat transfer step and then stress analysis step).
Improvement to Strain Results
Improvements have been made on how the dead zone is determined.
Extrusion Process Optimization
Computational module of HyperXtrude-Process is now distributed as a shared library. This will be used by Inspire Extrude to automatically compute optimum billet preheat, billet axial taper, and ram speed.
Choke Determination from Tool Surface Mesh
The bearing friction module has been enhanced to compute the choke from the tool side surface mesh (or any surface mesh manually generated in that region) to estimate the choke. This enables simplifications while 3D meshing the bearing component without losing the accuracy of the choke specified in the surface.
Nozzle Strength as a Function of Distance
The heat transfer module of spray cooling analysis has been enhanced to consider strength of the nozzle spray as a function of the distance while estimating the heat transfer coefficient.
Improvements to Heat Transfer Computations
The nozzle strength curve and the heat transfer computations have been improved to reduce the rate at which the extruded profiles were cooling.
User Defined Function for HTC
Solver has implemented a feature to use UDF (user defined function) in Fortran/c to compute heat transfer coefficient.
Polymer Extrusion
Improvements to Calibration Solver
Calibration solver has been enhanced to support models without tool. Models can now be solved with or without calibration die.

Resolved Issues

Metal Extrusion
  • Skin Tracking: Numerous bugs that resulted in H3D and stat files not matching.
  • Solver crashes for some models with contact conditions that have more than 10 boundary components.
  • The solver exports to a binary restart file (*.phx) feature, which is used to compute particle traces, resulted in a crash.
  • There was an error in exported temperature loads when there were gaps in node numbering for doing temperature dependent stress analysis using OptiStruct. Now the export will not depend on the contiguousness of node numbering.
  • Solver was crashing for spray cooling with nozzles arranged in a configuration perpendicular to the extrusion direction.
Polymer Extrusion
  • Solver crashes for some models with contact conditions that have more than 10 boundary components.