Altair HyperView 2020.1 Release Notes
- Undo-Redo of entity visibility and attribute changes
- Tool to quickly create curves from a contour plot
- Formatting of values in Notes
- Command recording in Tcl format
New Features
- Undo-Redo
- Undo and Redo of entity visibility and other attribute changes, such as
color or FE-Style, is supported. It is implemented for the following
entities: Components, Systems, Assemblies, Includes, Parts, Model files,
Materials and Properties.
Figure 1. - Contour Measure Curve
- A new tool enabling you to quickly plot contour values as curves is
added under the Tools Menu.Instead of creating contour measures first and then using the Create Curve options in the Measure panel to plot the change in result value, you can simply click on the contoured entities in the HyperView graphics window and directly generate these curves. Additionally, the dialog also contains options to choose the window and move back and forth between HyperView and HyperGraph windows.
Figure 2.
- Format and Precision of Numeric Values in Notes
- This enhancement to the Notes panel allows you to control the format and
precision of numeric values that are displayed in a note. You can set
these before inserting a field name (Templex expression) as shown below.
Entity coordinates, Entity contour value, Contour legend min/max etc.
are some of the field names for which this option is now available.
Figure 3. - Command Recording and Copying in Tcl Format
- Alternative to the HWC format introduced in 2020, you can now record the
HWC commands directly in Tcl syntax into a Tcl file where the HWC
commands have the “hwc” wrapper as prefix. The file location will be
handled the same as for the HWC command file.
In addition, all HWC commands from the command history can be copied in Tcl syntax into the clipboard using the “Copy to Tcl” option in the context menu of the HWC console. This provides a quick way to simplify Tcl scripts for the HyperView client.
Figure 4.
Resolved Issues
- User defined system is not imported when loading report template if the ID of the system conflicts with a local system in the model.
- When tracking system panel is active, executing any tracking system related commands from HWC panel causes loss of focus from HWC command text box.
- File paths in HWC commands are now recorded with slashes and not with back-slashes.
- Resolved system in legend does not update to Default system when result type is changed via HWC command.
- Turning sytem labels on/off no longer triggers the attribute component command.
- Context menu hide option is not active when multiple section cuts are selected.
- GetVisibleNodesCoordinatesList API does not consider tracking system when returning coordinate information.
- The Legend background color turns transparent while pre-highlighting entities in query/notes/measures panels.
- Swapping the pages in the Session browser does not update the Result browser content and crashes application.
- AcuSolve Reader updated to support AcuSolve solver version 2020.1.
- Vector size scaling ignores the scale value when switching scaling method.
- Contour/iso plot when loading session does not match what was saved and requires clearing and replotting.
- Unable to delete definitions for which an attempt was made at caching but later cancelled.
- Value filter range not grayed out for NONE option.
- Collision plot is not applied on copy/paste of model.
- Layer filter dialog does not handle overlaid models.
- Section cut gridlines goes missing when overlaying report templates.
- Create Definition does not populate data for result that is not part of current subcase.
- Application error when enabling tracking system while contour and measure are present.
- Application error when attempting to plot a vector plot after section used for plot was deleted.
- Application crash when loading file to replace loaded session.
Solver Interfaces
PAM-CRASH 2G Interface
New Features
- Support of IMPLICIT ERF (HDF5)
- HyperView reader supports IMPLICIT domain results from Acoustic, Random response analysis results coming from ERFH5 and femzip ERF.FZ files. Newly supported result types include Complex Mean Internal Energy, Complex Wave Internal Energy, Mean Squared Normal Velocity, Complex Translational Acceleration, Harmonic Internal Energy, ACOUSTIC_NODE and POROUS_NODE.
- Reader Enhancements
Summary Supported Format IMPLICIT domain results from Acoustic and Random response analysis are supported ERFH5 and erf.fz Mueschenborn-Sonne Failure Criteria with Failure Risk and Alpha Factor of Material Type 127 supported ERFH5 and erf.fz User-Defined Plugin Material Type 185 Output variables results are supported ERFH5 and erf.fz FPM Particles are now visible and respective results are supported ERFH5 and erf.fz Rigidbody entities supported with display ERFH5 and erf.fz
Abaqus Interface
- Enhancements
- HyperView now supports reading and post-processing of Abaqus 2020 ODB files.
LS-DYNA Interface
- Reader Enhancements
Summary Supported Format *SET_PART_TREE assembly hierarchy supported; browser listing enables handling for visualization. d3plot Second order shell element result support avoids further memory and crash errors. d3plot Complete animation frames are available for compressible fluid result files. d3plot Fixed errors while animation of some result files. d3plot
ANSYS Interface
- Enhancements
- HyperView now supports ANSYS versions 2020R1 and 2019R3 result files (normal and compressed).
ADVC Interface
- Enhancements
- Reading of ADVC into HyperView from multiple sub-folders is now supported.
- Resolved Issues
- Incorrect calculation of vonMises strain from strain tensor output.