PAM-CRASH 2G Interface 2020 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

New PAM-CRASH 2G 2019 Solver Version
PAM-CRASH 2G 2019 solver profile is introduced.
New Entity for Seat Belt Keywords
Enhancement offered for the support of the PAM-CRASH 2G keywords RETRA / & SLIPR /.
The keywords were originally mapped to HyperMesh entity type element mass. Now HyperMesh treats them as independent entities, each with unique ID, icon and new graphic representation. However, the entity BELTS / is still available as element mass.
Among the major benefits now no ID conflicts or renumbering upon import. Old HyperMesh files are mapped directly to this new entity without data loss. The newly added entities are no longer supported using the HyperMesh panel and Utility browser. They can only be edited in the Entity Editor. Creation of the entity can be achieved using context menu in the browser or through search tool (CTRL+F).
Undefined Parameters
Parameters PYVAR and PYFUNC referenced into keyword fields, but not defined in the input deck will be managed by the automatic creation of undefined parameters to retain references in the input deck.
New Keywords
New keywords DMPEW, MACTRL, REQUIRE_PRECISION, REQUIRE_VERSION, SELOUT and sub keyword OGRP have been added.


Updated Keywords
Updated keywords ANALYSIS, UNIT, CNTAC Type 44, MATER (2018). Enabled direct creation of GROUP (set of set) keyword and extended listing of SENSOR and SECURE keywords from Solver Browser, Create Cards from Tools menu & Quick Search Tool (CTRL+F).
Support of nodal XYZ Coordinates parameterization for import and export. However, no edit or listing in browser. IDNOD field parameterization not yet supported.
Improved import warning messages of parameterization keywords PYVAR and PYFUNC.
Penetration Tool
Added new "Minimum penetration depth" option to filter out penetrations having minimum depth values.
Added new entity type selection "Elements" to perform penetration and intersection checks on selected elements.
Added new view control, "Display Only Failed and Adjacent Elements," to show neighboring entities.
The algorithm for penetrations check on component selection in case shell mesh size is smaller than component thickness has been improved to avoid reporting non-physical penetrations.
Model Checker
Added new checks into model checker for the model validation.
Seatbelt Browser
Added provision in seatbelt browser which enables quick creation of RETRA, SLIPR and SECFO on seatbelt segment.
Removed Tools and Features
Removed tool “Org: By Plink Part” of “Connector organize” from page “Conn” under utility menu.
The legacy PAM-CRASH folder is removed from installation root directory, this was obsolete as PAM-CRASH 2G is maintained. Removed older summary templates from installation root directory, utility tools points to new templates.

Resolved Issues

  • PART_TIED referred in TIED contact are excluded from empty check.
  • Removed unnecessary import warning messages with keywords PYVAR, PYFUNC, CNTAC types 36, 37, 46 and RBODY.
  • The legacy format TETRA elements converted to new format TETR10 upon import.
  • It is possible to import the long file name (<256 character including "INCLU / " keyword) as Include file name or path on same line.

Altair HyperView

Resolved Issues
  • Fixed reader crashes ERFH5, HWASCII result files.
  • Fixed input reader crashes with input files having entities like Includes, Modules.

Altair HyperGraph


Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Supports Total Dynamic Mass Increase (DMAS) result curve from ERFH5 and ERF FEMZIP result files. .erfh5, .erfh5.fz
Supports Airbag outputs with qualifier BAGE from ERFH5 and ERF FEMZIP result files. .erfh5, .erfh5.fz

Resolved Issues

  • Show unique element IDs instead of duplicate IDs for 1D datatypes belonging to the "Other_1D" pool.