Specifies the local subroutine function name for an entity that uses user defined properties.
*SetLocalUserFuncname(varname, "local_funcname")
- varname
- The variable name of the entity that uses a local subroutine.
- local_funcname
- The string that refers to the function name in the subroutine.
*Motion(mot_0, "Motion 0", JOINT, , TRANS)
*SetMotion(mot_0, USER, `USER(1001)`)
*SetLocalUserDLLFlag(mot_0, true)
*SetLocalUserDLL(mot_0, "mymotsub.dll")
*SetLocalUserFuncname(mot_0, "mymotion")
The value of the local function name is written to the usrsub_fnc_name attribute of the MotionSolve entity statements that support the user subroutine (ROUTINE argument for ADAMS).
The local function name should be specified in case a function name other than the default is to be used for an entity in the subroutine. For example in MotionSolve, a Force_Vector_TwoBody of type as ForceOnly would look for a function VFOSUB as the default, if the usrsub_fnc_name attribute is not specified.