ADVC Interface 2020.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh


  • Allows HyperMesh to perform model creation and setup for ADVC solver
  • The following functions are available in the ADVC user-profile:
    • Assembly related
    • Geometry related
    • Mesh related
    • Model Browser
    • Entity Editor
    • EE customization
    • Tool tips
    • Create cards
    • Menu customization
    • Quick search
    • HWx interface
    • Ribbon customization
    • Supported version 2019 R1.2

Solver Cards

New Cards (Import, Export, Editing)
Element Cards
Element Type Solver Card
2D Element $ShellLinearTriangle
3D Element $3DLinearTetrahedron
3D Gasket Element $3DGasket6
Material Cards
Material Type Material Card
Isotropic $YoungModulus
Anisotropic $Density
Gasket $Density
ElasticPlastic / Elastic Attributes $YoungModulus
von Mises with Isotropic Hardening $YieldStress
ElasticPlastic / von Mises with Isotropic Hardening $MisesIsotropicHardeningCurve
ElasticPlastic / von Mises with Kinematic Hardening $MisesKinematicHardeningCurve
ElasticPlastic / von Mises with Combined Hardening $MisesIsotropicHardeningCurve
Property Cards
Sets Cards
Control Cards
Friction and Contact Cards
LoadSteps and OutputBlocks
Unsupported Cards
For all unsupported cards, Import and Export is supported. Integrity of these cards will be maintained inside HyperMesh.
Known Limitations for Include File Path
  • Include paths in the Include Browser will be displayed with respect to the master file directory. Integrity of the include paths will be maintained on import and export.
  • Note: If you plan to add a new include file, you have to make sure that the include path is defined with respect to the master file directory.

Altair HyperView

  • Reading of ADVC into HyperView from multiple sub-folders is now supported.
Resolved Issues
  • Incorrect calculation of vonMises strain from strain tensor output.