OptiStruct Interface 2020.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

OptiStruct Solver Feature Enhancements
This release includes critical enhancements from OptiStruct solver features released in 2020, 2020.1.
Auto Contact for OptiStruct
A new way of detecting contact surfaces for Auto contact by extending the surfaces based on feature angle has been introduced. Additional option to update the search distance field in contact/tie card from tolerance value has also been added.
New Composite Browser
This new browser regroups all the composites features and related entities in a same location for a more efficient management of the composite models.
Plane Strain
New element types: CQPSTN and CTPSTN (both 1st and 2nd order)
New Property card: PPLANE
New Load card: PLOADE1
Temperature Dependent Material Enhancements
Convection coefficient on MAT4 can be temperature-dependent, Table input is required and referenced by the corresponding MATT4. Specific heat on MAT4 can be temperature-dependent, Table input is required and referenced by the corresponding MATT4.
Model Checker OptiStruct
The following error checks added in model checker for OptiStruct:
Elements missing property definition.
Orientation vector along axis vector, to identify beam elements defined with invalid orientation.
PJOINTG property removed from “Properties is missing material” as this property does not need material association.
Fatigue Analysis
Options for Pseudo Damage method definition in FATPARM card.
CRTDIST (critical distance) field added in PFAT card.
FATPARM card enhanced to define control no. of critical planes in multiaxial fatigue.
DSYSID enhanced to allow TABLED input
DSHAPE, label of GRID changed to TYPE=VERTEXM
PBUSH1D as option for Static Force Response
New response types added for transient response optimization and response spectrum analysis

General Enhancements

  • Corner option extended for discretization type N2S when track option is set to CONSLI in contact card
  • NLOUT card is enhanced to define desired time points output for Nonlinear subcase
  • Restart write (RESTARTW) defined at subcase level
  • Mass/Volume distribution in NSML1
  • New joint types ROTATION, CARTROTA, INPLORIE added in JOINTG elements
  • Contact card is enhanced to support cohesive zone modeling using contact through COHE continuation line and the corresponding MCOHEDID field can reference the MCOHED card
  • User defined path to write restart file in RESTARTW card
  • Bergstorm_boyce model type added in MATVE material card
  • Label field added to TABLEG card
  • Stress/Strain Output card added to request corner and gauss results together
  • STATIS/OSTATIS output option for transient analysis
  • Subcase specific parameters: W3, W4, WR4, WR4 and WRH
  • Edit/Update DDVAL from entity editor
  • Output options added for energy-related quantities in Acoustics

Resolved Issues

  • MODEL I/O card was imported correctly
  • Export issue with grid/elem having ID more than 9 characters in free format
  • Unable to create SURF card from solid face selection
  • Terminology change for MCOHED card
  • Shape variable ID changes after performing remesh in OSSMOOTH

Altair HyperGraph


Reader enhancements
Summary Supported Format
Support .spcf generated from NLSTAT analysis. .spcf
Support plotting mode versus frequency directly from .out files. .out
Support acoustic analysis results from PCH files. .pch
HyperGraph reader extracts OptiStruct mass by property/component values. .out
Support for .pret and .secrec files. .pret


Export curves in the OptiStruct TABLEG format. .tableg