CAD Interface 2020.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh


Updated version support
  • 3DExperience R2020X
  • AVEVA Marine E3D 3.1
  • CATIA V5-6 R2020
  • Inventor 2020
  • NX 1899 (third-party reader, native reader support was previously available)
  • SolidWorks 2020
A new timeout feature has been added to the JT and NX native readers. When enabled, the reader is checked periodically to see if it has crashed or still alive. If the reader has crashed or is still alive and running longer than the timeout value, it will be killed. This is exposed as an option in the relevant .ini files as well as in the Import GUI as "Timeout". This addresses problems of hangs and crashes in the reader itself. It does not cover after the reader is finished and the data is passed to HM, which is not subject to the timeout.

This is beneficial for loading representations, as a crash/hang in the reader when importing a single leaf of a BOM tree will not prevent the rest of the files from loading. Only the leaves with problems will be skipped.

Please note that for single files, or monolithic files, nothing will be imported if there is a crash/hang in the executable, as this is a per-file operation.

Resolved Issues

  • Miscellaneous robustness and performance improvements.
  • NX naming scheme is followed when splitting components "by body" with NX native reader.