Radioss Interface 2020.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

New Keywords
Following new keywords are added in Radioss 2020 user profile: /ALE/ON, /ALE/OFF, /FAIL/COCKCROFT, /FRIC_ORIENT, /SENSOR/ENERGY.
New Composite Browser
This new browser regroups all the composites features and related entities in a same location for a more efficient management of the composite models.


Updated Keywords
Following keywords have been updated to the latest Radioss 2020 version: /ANIM/BRICK, /FAIL/ENERGY, /FAIL/HASHIN, /FAIL/VISUAL, /INTER/TYPE11, /INTER/TYPE19, /INTER/TYPE21, /MAT/LAW63, /MAT/LAW77, /MAT/LAW81, /MAT/LAW92, /MAT/LAW95, /MAT/LAW100, /TH/QUAD.
Model Checker
Enhancement made in the detection of Incompatible Kinematic Conditions on nodes.
Keyword Export Order
To be consistent with the export of all other keywords, the material keywords are now exported by ascending IDs and not more by material type. This change is valid for all the Radioss user profiles.
Elemental Time Step Calculation
Improvements have been made to the time step and numerical added mass calculation for all element types, according to the solver specific behaviors.

Resolved Issues

  • Error fixed on import of H3D file in the dummy pre-simulation process, for a specific dummy model.
  • Error fixed when penetration check is run twice with the option “consider edge penetrations” is activated.
  • Fixed segmentation error when selecting assembly in set and assembly view is open.

Altair HyperCrash

New Features

New Keywords
The following new keywords have been added in the Radioss 2020 user profile:
  • /MAT/LAW113


Updated Keywords
The following keywords have been updated to in Radioss solver versions 2020 and 2020.1:
  • /MAT/LAW51
  • /MAT/LAW63
  • /MAT/LAW81
  • /MAT/LAW92
  • /MAT/LAW94
  • /MAT/LAW95
  • /MAT/LAW100
Enhancements were made to the import/export csv file with connected part IDs instead of property IDs.
Solver Conversion
The following LS-Dyna keywords are now fully supported in the conversion to the Radioss solver:
  • *MAT_119
  • *MAT_083

Resolved Issues

  • Correction of penetration check algorithm for interface TYPE7 with ivar=1.
  • Correction in unit conversion for the functions defined in /MAT/LAW66.