
Creates 1D beams, bars and rods, and optionally assigns properties to created elements.


*createelements1d entity_type <option1>=<value1> <option2>=<value2> ... <optionN>=<valueN>


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Creates 1D beams, bars and rods, and optionally assigns properties to created elements.


The type of entity to use as input. Valid values are nodes and lines.
mark=<mark_id> or list=<list_id>
The ID of the mark (for nodes) or list (for nodes). Valid values are 1 and 2.
If provided, an auto 1D property is created to which this beam section is assigned. The property card image depends on the elemtype provided. This property is assigned to the newly created 1D elements. In case both property and beamsection are provided, property takes precedence. This option is supported for OptiStruct, Abaqus and Nastran only. For properties that do not support beam sections, the relevant attributes (e.g. area) of such properties are updated by copying values from the beam section.
The biasing value of the element length to use.
The style of biasing to use. Valid values are:
0 - Linear
1 - Exponential
2 - Bell curve
If the angle between the lines’ tangents at a joint is greater than this value, the line is split to force a node at that location. If set to 0.0, no split will occur. useshell is not considered if this is > 0.
The config of 1D element to be created.
The element density to use.
The size of the 1D elements to be created. This input will not be considered if useshell is 1.
The type of 1D element to be created.
The component in which the 1D elements are to be created. This option works only if entity_type is lines. Valid values are:
0 - Line component
1 - Current component
If provided, the property is assigned to newly created 1D elements. Also, it will ensure that the created 1D elements are of a type compatible with the property card image, thereby overriding the elemtype value. This option is supported for OptiStruct, Abaqus and Nastran only.
The proximity tolerance used to find the nearest shell nodes a long the line. Default is -1.0. Used when useproximity=1 and useshell=3.
0 - Do not use elemdensity
1 - Use elemdensity
0 - Do not use shell element nodes which exist along the line to create the line mesh.
1 - Use shell element nodes which exist along the line to create the line mesh.
If set to 1 or 2, considers neighboring shells of selected lines/nodes of a meshed surface. After creation of 1D elements, the normal and thickness of these shells are used to orient & offset the 1D elements appropriately. Valid values are:
0 - Do not use shells
1 - Use only displayed shells
2 - Use all shells
3 - Use the ordered nodes of all shells within the tolerance zone. The ordered nodes are used to create 1D elements. Valid when useproximity=1


Create 1D elements using lines and assign properties to these newly created elements. Also, update the orientation and offset of these elements using neighbouring shells:

*createmark lines 1 1-4
*createelements1d lines mark=1 property=PBARL elemsize=10 elemconfig=bar2 elemtype=CBAR linecomp=1 useshell=1 breakangle=0 biasintensity=1 biasstyle=0

Create 1D elements using lines and proximity tolerance. Also, update the orientation and offset of these elements using neighbouring shells:

*createmark lines 1 1-4
*createelements1d lines mark=1 elemsize=10 elemconfig=bar2 elemtype=CBAR linecomp=1 useshell=3 breakangle=0 elemdensity=1 useelemdensity=1 biasdensity=0 biasstyle=0 useproximity=1 proximitytolerance=-1.0

Create 1D elements using nodes and assign beam section to these newly created elements:

*createlist nodes 2 1 2 3 4
*createelements1d nodes list=2 beamsection=Circ elemsize=2 elemtype=CROD elemconfig=rod linecomp=0 useshell=0 breakangle=30 elemdensity=1 useelemdensity=0 biasdensity=0 biasstyle=0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History


2020 - Added new options elemconfig, proximitytoleranceand useproximity. Added new useshell value 3.