Creates geometry on selected 2D mesh elements. Uses selected plot elements to create edges between surfaces.
*surfacesplinefrommesh shellelemmarkmask edgeelemmarkmask tol
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Creates geometry on selected 2D mesh elements. Uses selected plot elements to create edges between surfaces.
- shellelemmarkmask
- Selection markmask for 2D mesh elements that are used to create surfaces.
- edgeelemmarkmask
- Selection markmask for plot 1D elements that are used to create boundaries between created surfaces.
- tol
- Maximal deviation of mesh points from created surfaces at boundaries. If the value is set to 0 or is negative, deviation is calculated internally based on the average size of mesh elements.
To create geometry that fits set of 2D elements selected by markmask 1 and use 1D elements selected by markmask 2 to create boundaries between surfaces. Use automatically calculated tolerance for created boundaries.
*surfacesplinefrommesh(1, 2, 0)
Selection markmask for elements are created by *createmark command. The type of selected elements is being checked internally before processing. Therefore, the option for global selection (*createmark(elements,1) "displayed", for example) can also be used.