*feinputwithdata2 - Abaqus

The Abaqus import options specified in the Import workspace are written to the command file as a string array, associated with the *feinputwithdata2 command.


The Abaqus import options specified in the Import workspace are written to the command file as a string array, associated with the *feinputwithdata2 command. The easiest way to produce this array is to import an Abaqus file using the desired parameters, and then to examine the string array in the resulting command file.

Note that it is important to end all of these strings with a space, for example "ASSEMS_SKIP " as opposed to "ASSEMS_SKIP". Valid strings for the string array are as follows:

Custom Import Strings

  • "SETS_SKIP "
  • "TAGS_SKIP "

Component Creation Strings


Solver Specific Strings